Plan Your Defense With a Criminal Attorney

An important part of building a successful defense in a criminal case is the relationship between the defendant and their attorney. A Tampa criminal attorney should work with their client to build a defense which is based around a version of events which provide a legal interpretation for the offense they have been charged with. Communication is a key aspect of this relationship and provide the basis for the overall defense.

When you first begin preparing your defense with your Tampa criminal attorney you should be aware or be made aware of the following aspects:

There is a confidentiality agreement known as the attorney-client privilege, between you and your lawyer, which means any statements you make or anything you say is only between you and them. This means you can be confident of being open and honest about your case.
Building a version of events as part of your defense means that you and your attorney will work to produce a story which corroborates your version of events and which includes existing and future evidence.
A version of events is merely a basis by which your lawyer can counter argue the evidence put forward by the prosecution. This version of events can be changed, altered or added to as the trial progresses.

As the defendant, your version of events as recounted to your Tampa criminal attorney will fall into one of three categories - a complete denial which means evidence must be presented which exonerates you from any part in the charges; an admission of guilt and explanation of events which are different from those presented by the prosecution and a confession of guilt to all evidence and charges presented by the prosecution. Admitting guilt can be a defense strategy in cases where innocence cannot be proved and by pleading guilty a lesser penalty could be handed down.

Your defense lawyer will work to produce what is known as the 'theory of the case'. This will include evidence from witnesses, the wider society, other evidence and past misdemeanors. Defendants who vehemently deny any involvement in the crime are advised not to disclose anything to the police until they have received legal counsel. To talk openly and candidly to the police could see anything you say being used against you in a court of law, as per the Miranda rights.

Every criminal case is unique and defendants need to keep this in mind when they look at their case. Listening to the advice of their lawyer will ultimately ensure they receive the best defense possible and conceding where necessary, especially where strong evidence is presented, can help to bring about an outcome which could not previously have been considered.

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The Criminal Rap Sheet - Examination & Comprehension

Every time a person is taken into custody and fingerprinted in any state, that person has developed a "rap sheet" in that state. A criminal rap sheet is an account of criminal activity committed by a person, and the State Department of Justice ("DOJ") is responsible for maintaining these criminal records.

Each state has its own rap sheet, and every time the person is taken into custody in that state, it is added to the existing rap sheet. To explain further: if someone is arrested in Arizona, a rap sheet is created by the Arizona State Department of Justice for that person, even if that person also has a rap sheet in Texas for crimes committed there.

So, a separate rap sheet is generated each time a person is detained and fingerprinted in another state. Want to have a rap sheet in each of 20 states, then get arrested in 20 different states!

Now, if someone is arrested for a federal crime, the FBI maintains a separate rap sheet on that person. This is in addition to the FBI file containing detailed accounts of that person's arrests throughout the country and any additional federal arrests.

If someone is taken into custody for a matter, for example, driving under the influence (DUI), after the court makes its decision, those records of the decision are sent to the DOJ. DUI cases are not concluded with a "guilty" or "not guilty" verdict, but rather with determinations such as "acquitted", "convicted", "dismissed", or "not convicted".

In a DUI matter, the rap sheet will reflect a conviction, which would result from either the person pleading "guilty" or the determination at trial was guilty. The offense of a criminal conviction, such as a DUI conviction, is established by the nature of the case itself and the type of offense (felony or misdemeanor).

Let's say the person entered a plea of guilty and agreed to complete a court-appointed probationary period, that guilty plea would not be recorded as a conviction if the person did indeed complete the probation.

A person's rap sheet can reflect a conviction whether the person was incarcerated for a period of time or not. A conviction can be a court decree of community service, conditional sentencing, fines or probation. The rap sheet will have a "disposition" entry detailing the kind of offense for which the person was convicted.

The standard items you will see on a person's record will consist of non-criminal offenses called infractions that will likely have a fine attached to them but the defendant does not have to be incarcerated for any length of time. Infraction offenses could be anywhere from speeding tickets to loitering in a public area.

Typically, a first DUI conviction will be accompanied by a short time in jail, a fine, and several other penalties, and that is usually labeled as a Misdemeanor offense on a rap sheet.

Arson, burglary, carjacking, robbery, and DUI which injures someone else are labeled Felony offenses because they are considered very serious and their penalties can include time in prison.

A Wobbler is another kind of offense that could appear on someone's rap sheet. Different states call this type of conviction by different names. Essentially, a criminal offense that can be labeled as a Felony or a Misdemeanor is called a Wobbler, after its ability to "wobble" between the classifications. Assault with serious bodily injuries, grand theft, DUI and possession of stolen property are all examples of Wobblers.

The rap sheet might contain special dispositions which have deferred entry of judgment. To qualify for deferred entry of judgment you must meet certain conditions established by the court, such as being charged with DUI but having no previous convictions involving violence or drugs. However, meeting the conditions alone will not give you a deferred judgment because the prosecution must agree to the deferred judgment for the court to accept it.

When someone has completed specific court ordered criteria, for example finishing a court-ordered drug and alcohol treatment program in lieu of spending time in jail, it is called Conditional Sentencing.

Vacating or Setting Aside a Guilty Plea or Verdict is another kind of special disposition. If the person has fulfilled their court-ordered probationary criteria or has been victorious in the appeals process, the court may set aside the verdict or guilty plea.

If you fail to appear for your duly appointed court date, the court can issue what is called a bench warrant for your arrest, and the court then informs the DOJ. When a bench warrant is handed down, that warrant goes on your criminal record right next to any prior convictions you may have had.

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Investor Fraud - Anatomy of a Conman - Identifying a Ponzi Scheme and Scam Artists - Part III of III

Part III of III in this series of articles on Ponzi schemes will examine a real world, ongoing scam, the con man behind it and a few of the hundreds of investors victimized by his criminal enterprise, Millennium III Corporation.

History: At an early age, Gregg Scott Luce was falsely led to believe that his Maine based blood line was directly connected to the storied Time-Life Henry Luce legacy. It's unclear whether this fallacy was instilled within him by personal dementia or a collective familial dementia. Luce fled his highly dysfunctional family at age nineteen and began trafficking in marijuana. Within a five year period, petty trafficking grew to major distribution: cargo planeloads of product, much of it brought in directly from Jamaica.

Ten years into this venture, Luce realized that a much greater profit margin was to be realized in trafficking cocaine. It was the early 1980's and cocaine was a popular and accepted recreational drug amongst the establishment. There wasn't the stigma attached to the narcotic that exists today. Luce was driven to the quick fix by impatience, an entrepreneurial spirit, ruthless and boundless ambition, and an insatiable craving for the recognition, cash and cache that had eluded his family for the better part of a generation as it strived, futilely, to identify itself with the gilded Time-Life Luce lineage.

Sociopathology, single minded focus and indifference to the body count in his wake, both literally and figuratively speaking, allowed Luce to establish a port of entry distribution hub in Seattle, Washington, and rapidly dominate the unclaimed US Northwest territory. Coming from a family of commercial fishermen, Luce was well versed in nautical maps. The Pacific Northwest's unsettled, remote coastline allowed inconspicuous ingress and egress of transport planes from Colombia. Luce leased a pier and houseboats off Lake Washington, hosting cocaine fueled parties frequented by prominent area artists, business leaders, attorneys, politicos and bankers.

Within a five year period of time, the distribution network extended north to Canada and as far Southwest as Aspen, Colorado, where his cartel's administrative team oversaw operations. The growing business invested in a Nascar race team. Product was transported to merch drop points in trailers used to ferry cars and pit equipment from city to city.

As with most narco-centric businesses, Luce's venture operated on borrowed time. When the DEA and Feds broke up the drug ring, all senior personnel, save for one individual, escaped. The captured operative refused to turn state's evidence, permitting his associates to quietly seek out other business opportunities. Luce took a two year hiatus lying low and pored over recent economic trends. It was the early nineties and the Nasdaq bubble had begun to gestate. Silicon Valley, Boston, Austin and Seattle were the new Wild West. Greed and green were in the air. In the fast paced world of new media startups, the "cocktail napkin to boardroom" paradigm ruled, as did drugs, violence, treachery, and legal manipulation: otherwise known as Twenty-First Century corporate best practices. Easy deals were the currency of success; futures contracts and penny stocks were the new blow. The careful vetting of business plans demurred to the haste of being first to market with a given product . Venture capitalists indiscriminately showered IT neophytes and veterans alike with more seed money than most could realistically hope to match in profits. Boom-bust high tech gold fever was in full force. Luce couldn't have scripted a better entree into legit business.

Ponzi Scheme: Thus marked Gregg Luce's emergence from the organized crime of drug trafficking to the organized crime of Wall Street. The founding of Millennium III Corp. (MIII) commemorated Luce's introduction to Fortune 500 society at the VC cotillion. In order to fly under the radar of SEC regulations and regulators, the newly minted CEO of MIII, a broadband media streaming company, limited his initial investor pool to thirty-five non-accredited shareholders. He later violated the SEC Rule 505 exemption provision with inclusion of an additional ten investors. Rather than issue shares to investors, Luce issued "convertible note loan agreements": an instrument convertible to either buybacks or shares in MIII at maturation. Luce took his tortured business model a step further, arguing the corporation maintained a non-profitable trust that secured investor monies. In this and subsequent cons, Luce argued, with poetic license, that the initial corporate form would somehow morph into a "bank", thereby ensuring the liquidity of MIII's capital funds and the security of investor monies.

In keeping with Millennium III's smoke and mirrors business structure, its CEO was functionally illiterate in New Technology: the company's core product offering. Luce was able to successfully pass himself off as an IT avatar by surrounding himself with experienced, genuine technology specialists, providing the Ponzi scheme with a patina of legitimacy. He maintained an entourage of tech savvy advance people, lest his shareholders and clientele realize that the emperor had no clothes.

Seven years after the founding of MIII, I was retained to review intellectual property issues. Approximately twelve months into my work, original note holders began contacting me, expressing concern that they had received no annual statements from MIII -- for that matter, no communication at all from the board of directors or corporate officers for several years. More troubling, to a man, every investor had demanded buyback upon maturation of their convertible note loan agreements. Luce refused to honor the promissory notes. The paper trail showed Luce used money from the non-accredited investor pool to line his own pockets, and money from new investors to pay contracted employees that held stock options; thereby, perpetuating the ruse. A textbook definition of the classic Ponzi scheme with a slight twist: using money from new investors to pay dividends to original investors.

I approached the CEO with my concerns. He was non-responsive, as was the board. The newly enacted Sarbanes-Oxley Act provided new remedies for attorneys caught in this dilemma, allowing them the ability to whistleblow without fear of reprisal for breach of attorney-client privilege. The new law permitted me to alert the shareholders and law enforcement to Luce's misuse of corporate funds. Attorney-client privilege was a lesser concern, as Luce had long since waived any privilege enjoyed when he actively solicited me, demanded actually, that I launder corporate receipts for his conversion to personal use. As I dug deeper into the CEO's history, unearthing a deep list of accounting firms, law firms and contractors owed money, I came to learn that this was one of Luce's tricks: secreting money in his attorneys' client trust accounts, knowing that the lawyer would be obliged to release the funds to Luce as client, regardless of whether the money was dirty. In addition to confronting shareholders with Luce's malfeasance, I reported his actions to attorney general offices in two states. Formal investigations into Millennium III and its CEO were underway.

With heat turned up by law enforcement and shareholders, Luce did a money grab, embezzling from his own corporation, and fled the state to set up shop in Arizona. Luce didn't see running off with investors' money as theft. His mindset was such that he was constitutionally incapable of distinguishing between corporate assets and personal assets. As he saw it, MIII's assets were his assets; hence, there was no theft in this distorted world view. This would be a recurring theme in his subsequent Ponzi schemes. His flight left dozens of investors in Washington State, Nevada and Idaho holding the bag -- out all their money. To this day they have not recouped a penny, despite two eighteen month long concurrent investigations by AG offices in both Washington and Arizona.

A good con man seldom remains static in product or presentation. This is particularly true after a Ponzi scheme has been exposed. After Luce was chased out of Washington State and started anew in Arizona, he changed his entire business model to cater to the New Age Sedona crowd. Con men gravitate towards products and services where performance cannot be measured empirically. New Age meditations, administrations and potions proved a market ripe for exploitation, since it was largely faith based and not governed by the FDA or AMA. Under the banner of a MIII Corp. foreign corporation registered in Arizona, Luce began to solicit investors for ventures ranging from the mundane -- self-improvement courses -- to the fantastical -- space tourism. He held out his partner's Flagstaff real estate as his own, using it to collateralize investments. His shotgun approach to offering a multiplicity of services failed. After five years without seeing a return and suffering a loss in excess of $500,000 USD, Luce's partner gave him the boot, forcibly evicting him from the property. To this day, Luce holds out the property as his own, despite the fact his name is not on the title and a court order was awarded for unlawful detainer.

Luce then ventured further south to Santa Fe, New Mexico, this time altering his physical appearance to a startling degree: Luce retired the Brooks Brothers suits and button-down conservatism for 'aging rock star' couture and a metaphysical slant in pitching his "marks", completely changing his look and product. The man looked like Rod Stewart. On a bad day. Where he was reserved and presentable while working and living in Seattle, Luce now came across as a raving lunatic without someone knowledgeable, articulate and balanced fronting him at the bargaining table. These handlers were defecting in lockstep with their CEO's deteriorating psyche; Luce's entourage of competent advance men was rapidly thinning; the patina of legitimacy appearing more trompe l'oeil. To see just how "crazy" crazy is, peruse the nonsensical manifesto that appears on his MySpace page: Video clips and photos of Luce executing his various cons are linked to his homepage. Courtesy of his formidable ego, this is a rare opportunity to see a con man in action.

Near Los Alamos, the MIII CEO tapped into a group of retired physicists and businessmen working on new encryption technology. Luce managed to convince them he was an Information Technology visionary with the ability to pair product developers with financiers. Despite his new eccentric look, he nearly pulled this off, mesmerizing a young, naive investor from Los Angeles that ponied up $75,000 USD with the pledge of a much greater, second angel investor check. Before proffering this second check, the investor had the belated good sense to run the attendant paperwork by his attorney. The attorney had the joyless task of informing his client that, not only was his money gone, there was no basis for criminal or civil suit due to the nebulous nature of the "services contract" he entered into with MIII. The contract did not bind the con man to any identifiable, legally binding specific performance. As a legal document the contract was meaningless. It was convoluted enough to convince the investor to part with his money: that's where its value ended. In short, from a legal standpoint, the $75,000 was no more than a "gift" from one individual to another.

Present day: Word of Luce's reemergence in New Mexico reached my law offices this past month. I was put in contact with lawyers representing both investors and innovators to the deal. Neither attorney was surprised to find Luce was a con man, as they had arrived at that conclusion without my help. They were, however, shocked that he had such a prolific and recidivist history as an experienced confidence man. I provided them with documentation outlining Luce's Ponzi schemes in Washington and Arizona. A mere week later, Luce surfaced in Santa Monica, California, where he had settled in as interminable house guest at the demi-mansion of a successful, well-intentioned New Age marketer. In short order he had tapped into the marketer's professional network where he succeeded in both co-opting and alienating business contacts.

Like a parasite seeking out a host body, Luce would not only insinuate himself into the business lives of his marks but their personal lives, as well. The key to his con -- and that of many confidence men -- was to appropriate the professional and social networks of his victims in order to feed his scam. If one investor dries up, another in the network is primed and can be approached.

As a consequence of his relationship with Luce, the marketer was losing credibility, standing and relationships within the tight knit naturopathic community. Further fomenting discord was Luce's volcanic temper. He had a history of violent outbursts, lashing out at those that would question him, particularly minorities and women. Not exactly consistent with the New Age humanist perspective. Luce's true character was revealed when his temper flared. Despite the grave liability he presented his host, the businessman was so taken in by the scam artist's charisma that he was in denial.

The marketer's good friend, another prominent businessman in Los Angeles's homeopathic community, was not so enamored by Luce or deluded by his charisma. In fact, when introduced to the con man at a Hollywood Hills party, he found his pitch too good to be true and Googled Luce's name on his Blackberry: up popped my name with a warning to prospective Millennium III investors. He called my office the following day, sharing his concern for his friend's well being. It took repeated sit downs and patient conversations with the marketer, armed with documentation I provided him, to objectively layout Luce's history and machinations. Even with hard, tangible facts in front of him, the marketer remained incorrigible. It took a second round of documents and direct correspondence from my desk to the marketer's in order to shake him free from the con man's Svengali-like choke hold on his reasoning capacity. The marketer kicked Luce to the curb.

In the past five years, Luce has successfully mounted three separate financial scams, even being so brazen as to threaten law suits against investors who severed ties with him after realizing they had been swindled. Consistent with all successful con men, Luce has a keen eye for identifying a need in his mark, then convincing the mark that he is uniquely positioned to satisfy that need --despite lacking the intent, ability or desire to deliver on his promises.

Luce is beginning to unravel and grow ineffectual. The con man has become entangled in his own web of deceit. Unable to keep his lies straight, he contradicts and exposes himself at every turn. His temper, misogyny and racism have surfaced repeatedly as the intensifying scrutiny of law enforcement, bilked investors, lawyers and accountants attenuates stress by directing klieg lights on his various Ponzi schemes.

Con men are often difficult to apprehend, because they are not driven by monetary gain, alone. They are sustained in large part by the adrenalin rush experienced moving in for the kill, gutting then hanging their prey to bleed out. Luce is particularly skewed in this respect, often forfeiting the big score in order to slink away and mount another scam in another state. Stealing just enough cash to continue the ruse, but not so much bounty that criminal or civil suits are filed as a matter of course.

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The Criminal Law Process

The criminal process begins with someone being arrested with probable cause that they have committed a crime. Next, they are booked at a police station. After that, the matters are turned over to the prosecutor.

A prosecutor will then file charges if he or she believes there is enough evidence. If there is, the defendant will make his or her first appearance in front of a judge. The judge will inform him of his rights and charges.

The next step is the prosecutor will submit the allegations to the grand jury for an indictment. Indictments are largely successful in being procured. Afterwards, the defendant will have an arraignment to plead guilty or not guilty. If the defendant pleads not guilty, the case will go to trial. The defendant has the choice to a jury trial or a bench trial. Usually the defendant will elect to be tried before a jury.

The defense counsel and prosecutor will now begin what is called discovery. Discovery is the collection of evidence and other information to prepare legal strategy and the case the lawyers will present at trial. Typically, the prosecutor's evidence must be freely presented to the defendant's counsel. However, this rule does not work the other way around.

The defendant has a fifth right to remain silent - even at his or her own trial. This silence is not to be construed as any form of guilt by the jury. As soon as both sides rest there case, the jury will deliberate and come back with a verdict. If the defendant is guilty, the next phase will be the sentencing of punishment.

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Compartmentalization On School Buses

The conspicuous absence of seat belt requirements in federal laws governing safety on school buses has been the subject of intense debate for decades. Why, if seatbelts are mandatory on passenger vehicles, are they not mandatory on vehicles which collectively transport millions of children to and from school every day? Given the lifesaving ability of seatbelts, proven in study after study, one would think that school buses should be equipped with safety belts for all children.

Instead of seat belts, school buses rely on a different safety feature known as compartmentalization. Unlike seatbelts, which are, in a sense, "extra" fixtures attached to a vehicle, compartmentalization is something that is built into the very design of school buses. The goal is to secure passengers in padded, shock-absorbent compartments which protect them in case of a collision and replace the need for traditional seat belts, which children are unlikely to wear correctly.

The Egg Carton

Compartmentalized buses are designed to protect passengers in the same way that a carton protects the eggs inside. The seats on a school bus are designed with padded, flexible, shock-absorbent backs which are tall enough to stop children from flying out of the compartment. These seats are made in accordance with strict federal guidelines, which regulate everything from the force they must withstand to the floor that they are attached to.

If a school bus is ever involved in a collision, children will be caught by these reinforced and padded seat backs, which, ideally, will absorb enough of the impact to prevent injury.

Does Compartmentalization Work?

Supporters of current school bus safety regulations (i.e., ones based on compartmentalization) point to the exceptionally low rate of injuries and fatalities on school buses, when compared to other passenger vehicles, as good evidence of the effectiveness of compartmentalized design.

However, as opponents point out, a correlation such as this is not proof of causality. That is, just because a compartmentalized school bus system displays a low injury rate does not mean that the compartmentalized design was responsible for its safety record. Furthermore, even government entities such as the National Transportation Safety Board have noted the ineffectiveness of compartmentalization in dealing with lateral impacts.

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Tips For Selecting a Criminal Lawyer

San Antonio criminal defense lawyers are available to provide legal representation services, but how do you know which one is the best choice for your particular situation? The Internet has made the process of selecting the attorney that best meets your needs much easier.

After you have narrowed what legal field you need services from, you should compile a list of lawyers that specifically mention providing the representation you seek on their website. For example, if you have a DWI charge you will want to search for attorneys that stress DWI defense on their homepage. Another key factor in your decision making should be experience. You will definitely want to read the lawyer's bio to see how many years they have been working in criminal law. If you do not see any experience in numerical terms, the attorney might be relatively new to practicing law. If you are not sure, and would still like to find out more about the lawyer, call and ask for more information. Moreover, experience as a former prosecutor is invaluable in terms of helping attorneys understanding both sides of the litigation process and thus being even better prepared for what argument the prosecution will make given the charges at hand.

Another tip for choosing an attorney is to read closely at their advertised availability. Some San Antonio criminal attorneys can be reached 24 hours a day which is especially helpful to those that have been arrested or charged late at night. It is helpful to read any lawyer reviews. If you search for a San Antonio criminal attorney you can usually find some sort of critique either on Google's new map location feature or traditional search. One last tip is to meet with the lawyer and see if you feel comfortable with his or her demeanor and credentials towards your current case. Fortunately, San Antonio is home to many upstanding lawyers who will vigorously defend your rights and interests. Still, you do need to put in some research to decide whether the South Texas lawyer you choose has the qualifications to provide excellent representation against your charges.

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Florida DUI and Probation

In Florida, DUI or driving under influence of alcohol/drugs or other intoxication substances is a serious offense equivalent to misdemeanor or traffic crime or even felony. A person is said to be under the influence of alcohol if he/she has blood or breath alcohol content of more than 0.08 (grams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood or grams of alcohol per 210 liters of breath). Violators of DWI (driving while intoxicated) laws can be arrested and penalized under the Driving Under the Influence of Alcoholic Beverages, Chemical Substances or Controlled Substances Law s. 316.193, F.S.

A Florida DUI or DWI conviction would mean a permanent criminal record, fine, community service, loss of license, vehicle immobilization, higher insurance rates and may be even imprisonment. Punishments would vary depending upon the number of times the person was convicted under DUI. 2nd, 3rd or 4th convictions attract bigger punishments like permanent disqualification from driving/permanent license revocation, bigger fines and longer jail terms.

Probation can also be given for DUI under Florida State Law s. 316.193 (5)(6), F.S. For a first conviction, the maximum period of probation and incarceration is 1 year. Imprisonment for DUI is mentioned under s. 316.193 (2)(a) 2, 4(b), (6)(j), F.S. For a first conviction, the maximum jail term is 6 months. It is 9 months in case the BAL (blood alcohol levels) crosses 0.20 or if there is a minor in the vehicle. For a second conviction, the maximum term is 9 months. It is 1 year if the BAL (blood alcohol levels) crosses 0.20 or if there is a minor in the vehicle. If the second conviction is within 5 years, there would be a mandatory imprisonment of a minimum of 10 days.

If the third conviction occurs within 10 years, mandatory imprisonment is given for a minimum of 30 days. If the third conviction occurs more than 10 years after the prior conviction, the maximum imprisonment is for 12 months. Fourth or subsequent convictions attract a maximum imprisonment of 5 years or as provided in s.775.084, Florida Statutes.

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UK Dangerous Driving Penalties

The Road Traffic Act of 1988 outlines three main categories of unsafe driving: inconsiderate driving which includes the lesser offence of driving without due care, dangerous driving which can, dependent on the circumstances be a very serious offence and causing death by dangerous driving which always carries with it the risk of imprisonment. The penalties for each category of unsafe driving reflect the relative seriousness of the offence - ranging from fines for the least serious, to disqualification from driving and a prison sentence where life is endangered or taken.

Careless driving, defined under Section 3 of the Road Traffic Act of 1988 is:

"Driving which falls below the standard of a reasonably competent and careful driver."

Dangerous Driving, defined under Section 2A of the Road Traffic Act 1988 is:

"Driving which falls far below what would be expected of a competent and careful driver and it would be obvious to a competent and careful driver that driving in that way would be dangerous."

Causing death by dangerous driving is an extremely serious offence which usually warrants a severe penalty. The sentence for this type of offence will normally be imprisonment which can be suspended where there are strong mitigating circumstances. There are rare occasions where a sentence of imprisonment will not be appropriate. The standard of the offender's driving at the time of the occurrence is a primary factor in determining the sentence as follows:

o A momentary lapse in judgment or a very short period of bad driving which is judged to be dangerous without any aggravating features will probably result in a short sentence of imprisonment.
o Aggressive driving or deliberately driving at an excessive speed or if driving was impaired by drugs or alcohol will likely result in a sentence of imprisonment of two to five years.
o For offences, where the driver has driven with a complete disregard for the safety of other road users or when there are aggravating features, a likely sentence will be between five and ten years.

In road traffic incidents, the police will not generally investigate unless an injury has occurred however cases which involve serious injury or death will be investigated by experienced police officers with a specialty in road traffic accident investigations. In addition, where the circumstances warrant it, a member of the specialist Accident Investigation Branch will assist the police. All evidence gathered in the investigation is sent to the independent Crown Prosecution Service which is staffed by lawyers who take the ultimate decision on prosecution. It is independent solicitors who will decide whether to pursue charges against the driver responsible for the accident and not a member of the police force.

In most cases, claims for compensation must be made to the drivers insurers or if uninsured or untraced as in a 'hit and run' incident to the Motor Insurers Bureau which indemnifies uninsured or untraced drivers and pays compensation to innocent victims however there are circumstances where the vehicle is used as a weapon in a deliberate attempt to injure a 3rd party and in those cases it is also possible to make a claim for financial recompense to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority, outlined in detail at which is a specialist website dealing with compensation for the innocent victims of crimes of violence.

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Free Criminal Records Check - Who Needs Them?

Criminal records checks have almost become a necessity in our world today. Years ago, we weren't able to have this type of technology available to us, and when it first started being available to everyone, it was so expensive that the ordinary person couldn't afford to have a criminal background check done on someone.

There are many different reasons why a criminal record check may be required. Employers often run background searches on potential employees, before they are given a job with their company. Think about it, you wouldn't want to hire someone that has been arrested for theft, and put them behind a counter to work with your money, would you?

A criminal records check would be able to reveal this and possibly prevent the employer from hiring a potential thief. This is always a requirement when applying to work for any financial institution such as a bank. Postal jobs also require a criminal background check before being employed.

If you have moved recently you might already be familiar with this one. Most of the time when applying for an apartment or a house to rent, the landlord or the apartment manager will require a criminal records check.

I think by doing this they are able to weed out the types of people that might cause problems in the future. I really don't think that this is that bad of an idea either. I really enjoy the comfort of knowing that I'm not living in an apartment somewhere, right next door to a serial killer. It is definitely a wonderful security measure.

My sister has done criminal records checks on almost every guy she has had the slightest interest in. There were actually two times that it did benefit her. Knowing in advance that one had been charged with domestic violence and the other had been arrested for drug trafficking, (crack to be precise) helped her in making a decision to not get involved with these guys. She just might have dated one of these guys, if she didn't have this information available to her.

There are many ways to find places that will do a free criminal records check for you. If you have a computer, you could just do an internet search using "free criminal records check" as your key words. This will give you many options to choose from. If you don't have access to a computer, you can always use one at the library that is closest to you absolutely free of charge. Most libraries allow one hour per person at a time. It is definitely something to consider.

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DUI Convictions - Three Hidden Penalties For DUI Convictions

There are a lot of reasons that driving under the influence (DUI) is a bad idea. And, there are some hidden penalties that most people don't think about that are pretty harsh.

Most people are unaware of any penalties for DUI beyond jail, probation, loss of drivers licenses and fines. But here are some consequences that you probably haven't considered.

1. Career penalties.

Many companies do a background check before hiring a new employee. It might not matter that you graduated at the top of your class. That one DUI mistake might cost you your dream job, and will likely affect ALL your job prospects for at least ten years.

Also, many companies have company cars and trucks. In my insurance claims industry, many claims adjusters are provided company cars with expenses paid. But if you've had a DUI, you can forget driving the company vehicles. That might cost you your job.

That career loss might cause you to have...

2. Budget penalties

Your insurance premiums will skyrocket...that is, if the insurance company doesn't just cancel your policy. But some high risk company will insure you. Then, once you have high premiums, they will likely stay that way for 3-5 years. They could affect your rates for as much as 10 years.

You may not be able to afford the insurance premiums to drive you car. I've seen young drivers with a clean record and full coverage pay $350 per month for insurance. My son spends $170 per month on a 12-year-old Volkswagen with only liability coverage. What if your insurance premium becomes more than your car payment? What will you do?

If you're married, and there is more than one car in the family, you will be rated on your spouse's car also. That might make that car unaffordable also.

3. Travel

You might have a desire to see the world. You may be a person born in another country and immigrated to America. But if you have a DUI conviction here in the USA, you may not be able to travel at all, or your travel will be severely restricted.

Nearly every country considers any type of criminal conviction a primary reason to refuse entry into their country. Most all DUI convictions are misdemeanors unless there is a death, or if you are a repeat offender. Those are felonies. Some nations only have restrictions on felonies, but some restrict ALL crime. Some nations may place a restriction on the number of visits due to a DUI conviction. The decision is entirely at their discretion.

If you wanted to travel outside the USA after getting a DUI conviction, you would have to hire an immigration attorney to appeal for you, which could cost you many hundreds of dollars with no guarantee of success.

Let's finish with a philosophical argument against laws that penalize a person who is driving after drinking alcohol.

Criminal law says that if you drink alcohol and drive a car, you are committing a crime. But if a person who has consumed alcohol gets in his car and drives, and does not injure another person or cause damage to any property, and reaches his destination, no actual physical negligence has occurred. Just the mere presence of alcohol in his bloodstream should not constitute a crime.

Why should it be unlawful to ingest a food product, even if that food product affects your ability to drive safely? Many other things can be ingested by people that alters their ability to drive, and there are no laws against them. If you smoke marijuana and drive, no crime. Even if you fall asleep while driving, most jurisdictions do not have criminal statutes against sleepiness. Prescription drugs can alter driving ability, but no crime is assessed.

However, negligence is usually not hard to prove. Negligence is a completely different act, and drinking alcohol is not negligent. Human acts that flow from drinking can be negligent, but drinking alcohol is not negligent.

That's why I believe that DUI laws are wrong. Enforce criminal negligence, but not alcohol consumption.

Having said all that...the LAW is what the law is. Disagreeing with it won't keep you out of jail. Obey the law and lobby for the law to change.

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4 Quick Tips For Hiring The Right Lawyer

The laws that govern our lives can be complex. Circumstances that seem clear can often become murky. Exploring recent law revisions, addendums, past court cases and established legal precedents can make our legal system seem like the proverbial rabbit hole. But, there are times when you'll need to protect your rights. There are times when you'll be forced to legally defend yourself. When this happens, having a trained professional on your side can be invaluable. Below, you'll find 4 quick tips for hiring the right lawyer that can help you navigate the turbulent waters of our legal system.

Tip #1: Interview 3 Lawyers

Every lawyer has a different track record. Some settle most of their cases. Others tend to carry a case to court. The lawyer you choose should be best-suited for your particular legal needs. Interview 3 lawyers. Ask them about their experience. Explore their respective track records. That's the best way to ensure you get the assistance your case deserves.

Tip #2: Ask For Referrals

It's likely that you have a friend, family member, or acquaintance who has hired a lawyer in the past. Ask that person about their experience with the lawyer. If the experience was positive, ask for a referral. Even if that lawyer doesn't usually handle cases that are similar to yours, he can refer you to an associate who does.

Tip #3: Use A Lawyer Directory

Though some online directories don't screen the lawyers who appear in their listings, there are a number of reputable databases. For example, the Martindale-Hubbell directory has made its listing of lawyers available for over 130 years. Each attorney is rated by their peers. Alternatively, the West Group Legal Directory allows you to search their database by area of expertise. These directories can play an important role in finding a lawyer who is well-suited to help you.

Tip #4: Use a Referral Service

Check with your local State Bar's website to find a lawyer referral service. They'll interview you to determine the type of legal expertise and experience you'll need for your circumstances. Then, you'll be referred to a State Board-certified lawyer who has the appropriate background. The lawyers to whom you're referred must be in good standing with the local State Bar Association as well as meet a series of minimum criteria.

The Right Lawyer For Your Needs

The legal system can be both frustrating and confusing. The morass of laws and legal precedents can make the uninitiated feel completely helpless. A well-trained lawyer can be indispensable. They can provide clarity for your circumstances. They'll analyze your case to determine potential outcomes in court. Use the tips above to find and hire the right lawyer for your unique legal needs.

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Classifications of Theft

From a very young age, almost all people have a concept of what it means to steal something. As children, most of us are chastised at some point for wrongfully taking something that is not ours. Because of this, the term "theft" rarely needs much explaining when it is used in everyday conversation or in terms of a criminal charge against an individual. Still, the details of a theft charge can become a little more confusing when the illegal act's various possible classifications come into question.

Many states draw a distinction between petty theft and grand theft. Petty theft deals with smaller amount of money or less valuable goods and is generally considered a misdemeanor. Grand theft involves more valuable goods or larger amounts of money and can result in either felony or misdemeanor charges, depending on the state and case.

Shoplifting is one of the most common theft-related crimes that courts see in the United States and is defined by the illegal taking of goods from a retail store or establishment. There are generally no specialized charges for shoplifting, and the crime will be charged as "theft." Sentencing will depend on the value of goods stolen. Common shoplifting techniques include distraction, barcode switching, and "grab and run," though shoplifters employ a wide variety of ploys in hopes of remaining uncaught.

Fraud is defined as deception for personal gain. When the gain is in the form of property or monetary assets, fraud is theft. Identity theft, forgery and, bait and switch schemes are all types of fraud. Embezzlement is a specific type of fraud which involves an individual or group dishonestly taking assets (often financial) with which they have been trusted.

Robbery requires little explanation. As opposed to the discreet nature of fraud, robbery is the act of committing theft through violence or intimidation, as in muggings, aggravated robbery, or armed robbery of a business. In addition to the fact that goods or assets have been stolen, robbery cases have the additional characteristic that they often involve threats or assault, and potential sentencing will generally be more serious as a result.

Burglary refers to the illegal entering of a property by an individual with the intent to commit a crime - most often theft. Like robbery, burglary is a compound crime involving both theft and trespassing. Some states punish nighttime burglaries more harshly than burglary that takes place during the day.

For more information about the various theft charges a person may face, visit the website of Houston criminal defense attorneys Johnson, Johnson & Baer, P.C.

Arizona dui attorney

Cost of a DUI Lawyer - How Much Will You Pay to Get the Protection You Need in Your Case?

Did you know that there are more DUI arrests each year than anything else? We are a country of drunk drivers and this is a problem. The courts and judges have started to really crack down and the penalties are becoming harsher by the minute. This is why you need to know the cost of a DUI lawyer and what you will be facing if you go to court without one.

If you decide to go to court without a lawyer chances are that you are going to get closer to the maximum penalties than if you go to court with a lawyer. This means that you could be facing jail time and you could be facing a much longer license suspension, which will make your life much harder than it has to be.

The cost of a DUI lawyer is going to range from about $500 to $5,000 or more depending on your case, the lawyer, and what you are after out of your case. Some have paid as much as $12,000 for a lawyer so that they could get out of a DUI, but others have gotten out of them for a few hundred. It really depends on your area and the lawyers that practice there.

However, even the most expensive cost of a DUI lawyer is worth it when it could save you from many months in jail, which means you will probably lose your job, and have to look for another when you get out. This can put a lot of stress on yourself and on your family that is just not necessary at all.

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