Martindale-Hubbell lawyer with a DUI

If you are looking for a DUI lawyer, Virginia, you may be overwhelmed by all the choices. There are hundreds of lawyers in the phone book or online directory, as you know which are good and which not? This is a system of objective assessment that can help answer this question.

The Martindale-Hubbell ratings

A database with the name of the directory Martindale-Hubbell lists more than one million lawyers in the world with theirAreas of activity and contacts. But this resource also controls a peer-rating system developed to inform the public about the lawyer various skills.

Martindale-Hubbell is different from the so-called "Best Lawyers" lists in magazines or websites, ads are often on subjectivity, popularity, or paid. Use standardized, anonymous peer review the specific questions is to ask each lawyer skills specific legalSpecialties.

How do you assess the competence of the one

First, assess Martindale-Hubbell lawyer 's "general ethical standards" on a scale of 1-5. This assessment is based on criteria such as ethics, behavior, reliability and diligence.

The next evaluation refers to legal means. Every lawyer is rated 1-5 in the following categories:

• Legal knowledge
• Legal expertise
• Analytical skills
• communication skills
• Verdict

Finally, these results are combined to create an aggregate score as the rating peer review known. The lawyer then has a name based on the score in a particular specialty.

• AV outstanding (4.5 to 5) - is the highest level of professional excellence.
• Distinguished BV (3 to 4.4) - refers to a highly respected brand of performance.
• evaluated (2.9 and up) - usually referred to ethics, but not superior skills.

A lawyer who have commented in an excellent AV> DUI Law, you know who are well versed in the elements of your case.

Virginia DUI attorney Bob Battle has the experience and ability to help its customers build a successful DUI defense. Read more about the definition of a Virginia DUI lawyer, get a free copy of the Battle of Bob's Guide consumers, such as Virginia Select a DUI Lawyer. Or you can contact 804-673-5600 to schedule your legal advice today.


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